[October 9, 2022] Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

Series: The Beatitudes
"Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness"
Matthew 5:1-12

  1. What did you learn about "righteousness" today that you didn't realize before and how does that impact your faith and life after Christ?
  2. If "righteousness" is first connected with "right relationships" that lead to "right actions", can you give an example of how a relationship either encouraged you or stumbled you and what you learned from it?
  3. Our appetites (hunger and thirst) are so easily distracted from God's will and redeeming love for us.  Consider how we struggle to spend time in the Word and prayer, in serving and engaging with others etc.  What are some things that negatively impact your appetite for God and how can we grow in accountability and faithful obedience in right relationship to God as our first love?
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