[January 29, 2023] Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

Guest Speaker: Pastor James Oh
"Seeking Faith Over Fear"
1 Samuel 13:8-14

  1. Living in a broken world and lead by our own broken hearts, what fears and concerns do you wrestle with that threaten to rule over you?
  2. Samuel's fear and concern over external circumstances (i.e. fear that the people were deserting him) drove him to abandon his internal identity and faith in God.  Many of us struggle with this on a day-to-day basis.  Can you name a time when you wrestled with this (or maybe you are right now)?  How can we remember God's grace and persevere in faith?
  3. When we hear the troubles, concerns and fears of others, we are quick to respond with our own personal wisdom or the "ways of the world".  Samuel disciplines King Saul, not with personal advice, but with God's promise and truth.  How can we walk with one another in Godly wisdom and hold each other accountable in His truth?
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