[November 27, 2022] Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

Series: Advent - The Characters of Christmas
"Ordinary to Impossible"
Luke 1:26-38

  1. Luke mentions twice (v 28 & 30) that God chooses an ordinary person in Mary to pour out His favor upon.  It is out of God's generous power that He uses the "normal" young girl to establish His redemption in creation.  How does this reminder encourage you and shape your perspective and identity and how you live out your faith in Christ?
  2. Mary is (appropriately) overwhelmed and filled with doubt when she hears God's plan for her.  And yet, her response of faith, not in herself, but in her trust that He is a great God, is to step forward and declare, "I am a servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to Your Word".  When God's will is made clear in life and we trust and obey, nothing is impossible.  Are there areas in your life that you are hiding or separating from God's authority and calling as Lord?
  3. The struggle and disconnect for most of us is not that we don't know or "believe" with our words, but that we fail to connect our faith and knowledge with trusting obedience and surrender.  What parts of your life, relationships, resources etc can we step forward in as we trust in the birth of Jesus in order to live out our confession that Jesus is Lord?
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