[January 1, 2023] Sunday Sermon Reflection Questions

"God Will Lead His Church"
Acts 11:19-30

  1. We see the early church that is scattered and in fear of persecution and hardship.  But despite these circumstances, God moves in the Holy Spirit to not only spread the Gospel and grow the church, but His people are humbly committed to living their out to make Him known.  How do you see the circumstances of your life, the life of EPC and how we can trust and walk after Christ together?
  2. There is an undeniable spirit of faithful boldness that the early church has in not only speaking the Gospel, but acting out the grace of God to others.  More than merely "living a decent life", how can we use our individual gifts, passions and perspectives to bless ECP and beyond?
  3. What was something that you learned or convicted you in the message?  Share it with others to bless and encourage others in your group.
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